What not to do on Facebook
The constant Gardener, Mafia Hitman, Virtual Pet Owner, or Whateverthe updates and invites never end... |
The Bad Marketerbecome a fan, join my group, comment on one of my million updates... |
The Crude Photo Taggertagging everything from that party last night you don't remember to taking shots off of a girls belly button. |
The Rashfollowing you around commenting on all your posts and liking every photo... |
The Unfilteredthey post everything and anything... |
The Most Popular Person EVARinviting everyone to everything... |
The Twitterfiedlinking twitter updates to Facebook flooding their profile with meaningless tweets... |
The Bored Quizzertaking every quiz available... |
The Passive Aggressorposting well thought out updates without mentioning names... |
The Annoyingly Proud Parentusing their child as their profile pic... |
What not to do on Twitter
The Unproductive Tweetertweets updating every minute... |
The Retweeterretweeting everything they see... |
The Conversationalistbouncing back and forth between one person... |
The UntweeterTweeting from Foursquare, tweetmeme, or the like... |

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